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August 23rd

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Master of ceremonies

Maria Grullon

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM (Chile)

09:30 AM to 09:40 AM (Brazil)

01:30 PM to 01:40 PM (Portugal)

02:30 PM to 02:40 PM (Central Europe)

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Opening speech by the Honorary Presidency

Pascale Lefrançois (Dean of the Faculty of Education)

08:40 AM to 08:50 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

08:40 AM to 08:50 AM (Chile)

09:40 AM to 09:50 AM (Brazil)

01:40 PM to 01:50 PM (Portugal)

02:40 PM to 02:50 PM (Central Europe)

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Opening of the colloquium and presentation of the organizing committee

Francisco Loiola

08:50 AM to 09:00 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

08:50 AM to 09:00 AM (Chile)

09:50 AM to 10:00 AM (Brazil)

01:50 PM to 02:00 PM (Portugal)

02:50 PM to 03:00 PM (Central Europe)

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Speech by the president of the scientific committee

Marc Durand

Julia San Martin

09:00 AM to 09:45 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

09:00 AM to 09:45 AM (Chile)

10:00 AM to 10:45 AM (Brazil)

02:00 PM to 02:45 PM (Portugal)

03:00 PM to 03:45 PM (Central Europe)

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A Casual Stroll through (& around) the Worlds of Enaction

Sebastjan Vörös

More information

This conference will offer a general introduction to enaction and will culminate with the introduction of the keynote speaker, Michel Bitbol.

09:45 AM to 11:15 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

09:45 AM to 11:15 AM (Chile)

10:45 AM to 12:15 PM (Brazil)

02:45 PM to 04:15 PM (Portugal)

03:45 PM to 05:15 PM (Central Europe)

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Opening conference

Enactive quantum physics : Cognitive QBism (Quantum Bayesianism)

Michel Bitbol

More information

QBism (Quantum Bayesianism) is a minimalist but daring interpretation of quantum theory, which allows its "paradoxes" to be dried up at their source. The quantum physicist seen by QBism does not describe a pre-existing “outside world”. Instead, it anticipates the phenomena that emerge from the interaction between "physical systems" and a predicted agent of instrumental prostheses, the bets of each agent on the phenomena it brings out.

The QBist design is comparable to the enactive theory of cognition. I distinguished two lectures. According to the external reading of enaction, knowledge and the known world co-emerge from a coupling between the embodied subject and his environment. According to its internal, phenomenological reading, knowledge is a process of creation of meaning, which associates with each class of perceptions procedures of adaptive anticipation. The articulation between external and internal conceptions of enaction will be used to defuse the tension between the "objectivist" and "subjectivist" aspects of QBism.

11:15 AM to 12:00 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

11:15 AM to 12:00 PM (Chile)

12:15 PM to 01:00 PM (Brazil)

04:15 PM to 05:00 PM (Portugal)

05:15 PM to 06:00 PM (Central Europe)

Debate and closure

Break (1 hour)

01:00 PM to 01:10 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

01:00 PM to 01:10 PM (Chile)

02:00 PM to 02:10 PM (Brazil)

06:00 PM to 06:10 PM (Portugal)

07:00 PM to 07:10 PM (Central Europe)

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Welcome of participants and presentation of speakers

Maria Grullon - Master of ceremonies

01:10 PM to 01:55 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+20 minutes of questions

01:10 PM to 01:55 PM (Chile)

02:10 PM to 02:55 PM (Brazil)

06:10 PM to 06:55 PM (Portugal)

07:10 PM to 07:55 PM (Central Europe)

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Enaction design: a relational engineering project

Olivier Gapenne

More information

In 2005, within the Costech research unit of the University of Technology of Compiègne, we created a team called "cognitive research and enaction design" (CRED), which still exists to this day. The "enaction design" proposal was itself the product of a research enterprise born in the mid-1980s at this university and which fostered the meeting of cognitive sciences inspired by the second cybernetics with a general reflection on the technical fact. The synthesis of this meeting is a general thesis formulated as follows: technique as anthropologically constitutive or constituent (implied by human experience). From there, "enaction design" is presented as a relational engineering attentive to the genesis and transformation of the signifying experience of the actors, a lived experience constrained and empowered by the technical context with which they continuously engage, bringing about their worlds. The conference will go into the details of this business of realization. 

02:20 PM to 03:05 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+20 minutes of questions

02:20 PM to 03:05 PM (Chile)

03:20 PM to 04:05 PM (Brazil)

07:20 PM to 08:05 PM (Portugal)

08:20 PM to 09:05 PM (Central Europe)

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Interests and limits of real-time self-explanation for documenting the athlete's experience: the case of a study on quantified running

Matthieu Quidu and Brice Favier-Ambrosini

More information

Our methodological discussion is based on a phenomenologically inspired study of the experience of runners self-quantifying using portable digital devices. We have implemented a protocol allowing subjects, equipped with a dictaphone, during their running session and in real time, to verbalize the dynamics of their thoughts, emotions and feelings. It will be a question of appreciating their interests and limits, by confronting them in particular with retrospective type methodologies (self-confrontation and explanation), in-situ interviews (running interviews) and the “thinking aloud” protocol. Real-time self-explanation is relevant so as not to break the continuous flow of lived experience, but it inevitably impacts it. Like the "observer effect" highlighted by Bohr and then Devereux, a "self-observing effect" will be put forward: the simple fact of having to explain your experience during your sporting activity transforms it. The researcher must therefore control the deformations specifically induced by his protocol.  

03:30 PM to 04:00 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

03:30 PM to 04:00 PM (Chile)

04:30 PM to 05:00 PM (Brazil)

08:30 PM to 09:00 PM (Portugal)

09:30 PM to 10:00 PM (Central Europe)

Debate and closure

24 août

August 24th