International and Multidisciplinary Research Group on Enactive Theories


Our international and multidisciplinary research group is interested in enactive theories and the consequences of their use. These consequences, although they often have a theoretical, ontological and epistemological aspect, go beyond the strictly conceptual framework and, in our opinion, bear ethical issues. More than the foundation of a school of thought or of a theoretical and methodological orientation, enactive approaches lay, for us, the bases of an ethical attitude of openness and welcoming of heterogeneity and diversity. Our group intends to cultivate the principles that seem to us to underpin an approach inspired by action: a spirit of dialogue and welcoming practices in their plurality.

Thus, we are betting on:
a) openness to different theoretical, methodological and conceptual approaches related to enaction, seeking to create bridges and opportunities for dialogue between perspectives without canceling out their differences;
b) the creation of an international and multidisciplinary collaboration network , in which different researchers, professionals, students and all those who are likely to be interested can exchange information, share questions, doubts , curiosities and interests around themes emerging from enaction, embodied cognition and co-emergence, in different spheres and at different scales.
c) the creation of a plurilingual network in order to promote the inclusion of those who occupy peripheral positions in relation to already consolidated university networks;
d) multidisciplinarity as a starting point for initiating and co-constructing, as much as possible, inter and transdisciplinary work. We understand that interdisciplinarity is not an end in and of itself, but a direction of work and an effort to be constantly renewed.


 Founding members of GRIMTÉ

Université de Montréal

Francisco A. Loiola, is Full Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Montreal, Department of Educational Psychology.

His main research interests revolve around the teaching activity in a university context and the development of professional development devices in the context of an enactiviste perspective. They relate to the disciplinary affiliation and pedagogical reasoning of the teacher; study of conceptions of teaching and learning; study and use of "best practices" in the pedagogical training of university teachers.

Founding member of LIRES - Interdisciplinary research laboratory on higher education. Head of GRIMTÉ - International and multidisciplinary research group on enactive theories. Since 2003, he has been responsible, at the University of Montreal, for a multidisciplinary seminar aimed at lecturers and graduate students wishing to prepare for university teaching. For several years now, he has been coordinating a collaborative and interdisciplinary mechanism for the professional development of future university professors. This educational device constitutes a learning community characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration between teachers and dedicated to the development of the teaching skills of trainees from different disciplinary fields.

Université de Montréal

Maria Grullon holds a master's degree in educational psychology on the theme of learning disabilities in mathematics at the college level. She is a doctoral student in educational psychology at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Montreal. She works there as a lecturer in the undergraduate qualification in teaching microprogram.

Since 2012, she has actively participated in various research projects with interdisciplinary research teams working on information and communication technologies in education, active pedagogies, diversity and school inclusion.
Member of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology (OBVIA) – Education and Empowerment Axis, and has been collaborating for over a year in two research projects in the field of artificial intelligence: one on the use of chatbots for the creation of audiovisual narratives, and the other on the development of an intelligent expert to promote perseverance and supervision in higher education.

Centre d’Études Sociales de l’Université de Coimbra

Letícia Renault holds a doctorate in psychology from the Federal Fluminense University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), with a doctoral internship in the philosophy department of the University of Liège (Belgium).

She participated in the adaptation team for Brazil of the Quebec’s Guide for Autonomous Medication Management in mental health. She has internship experience in clinical psychology and public health. She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), at the NHUMEP (Center for Studies on Human Sciences, Migration and Peace).